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Many of these irises are dwarf bearded with attractive, showy, large flowers on short 10 to 15cm stems in early summer, raised wall or rockery, tolerates a hot sunny site, full sun with good drainage.

Plant Name & Description Picture Price & Buy Now

Iris 'Betty Chatter'

Dwarf bearded form with large sky-blue flowers to 12cm tall, sunny well drained site.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris 'Betty Chatter'

£5.00 each

Iris 'Cherry Garden'

Deep marron with purple on the fall

UK - dispatched all year round.


No image available.

£5.00 each

Iris 'Chicken Little'

Lemon yellow with a white beard

UK - dispatched all year round.


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£5.00 each

Iris 'Ditto'

Low growing Iris flowers only 10cm tall. Flowering mainly in April-May these can sporadically flower through summer. Ideally grown in a sunny free draining soil with rhizomes visible on surface.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris 'Ditto'

£5.00 each

Iris 'Double Lament'

A delightful intense purple dwarf iris. Very dwarf and free flowering - the flowers almost smother the plant. They make easy plants for the front of a dry sunny bed, top of a wall or on a rock garden. They flower before the tall bearded iris.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris 'Double Lament'

£5.00 each

Iris 'Dunlin'

White flowers richly veined purple

UK - dispatched all year round.


No image available.

£5.00 each

Iris 'Elvinhall'

Creamy white with yellow in the throat

UK - dispatched all year round.


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£5.00 each

Iris 'Fashion Lady'

Lemon standards, rich golden falls

UK - dispatched all year round.


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£5.00 each

Iris 'Fuzzy'

Very attractive large dark purple flowers on short 10-15cm stems, always look good in a raised wall or rockery, tolerates hot sunny site.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris 'Fuzzy'

£5.00 each

Iris 'Gingerbread Man'

A dwarf bearded Iris 15 to 20cm tall with attractive golden-brown flowers bearing a purple mark in June-July, very hardy.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris 'Gingerbread Man'

£5.00 each

Iris 'Gossip'

Bronzed gold, pale standards & blue beard

UK - dispatched all year round.


No image available.

£5.00 each

Iris 'Green Stuff'

Lemon & lilac with a green beard

UK - dispatched all year round.


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£5.00 each

Iris 'Jasper Gem'

Showy and very attractive miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris, striking russet-red flowers with a narrow yellow beard on 20cm stems, looks spectacular on our raised wall.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris 'Jasper Gem'

£5.00 each

Iris 'Knick Knack'

A compact perennial, to 15cm tall, with grey-green foliage and small, delicately-coloured spring flowers comprising white standards with dark blue edging and white falls with lighter blue markings.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris 'Knick Knack'

£5.00 each

Iris 'Lemon Puff'

Creamy flowers with lemon on the falls

UK - dispatched all year round.


No image available.

£5.00 each

Iris 'Little Episode'

Purple with velvet purple horizontal falls

UK - dispatched all year round.


No image available.

£5.00 each

Iris 'Minidragon'

Standard Dwarf Beared Iris, slightly fragrant, dark port wine standards over black-burgundy falls with distinct orange beards, 30cm tall.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris 'Minidragon'

£5.00 each

Iris 'Pale Shades'

Lemon washed falls and dramatic blue beard

UK - dispatched all year round.


No image available.

£5.00 each

Iris aphylla 'Aslets Purple'

A variety of the Iris aphylla plant that has won an Award of Merit from the Alpine Garden Society. The Iris aphylla is a deciduous perennial plant with fragrant purple flowers and grey-green leaves.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris aphylla 'Aslets Purple'

£5.00 each

Iris attica (lemon)

A beautiful and desirable, dwarf bearded Iris with mid-yellow flowers on very short stems, good light and lots of sunshine, well-drained soil, raised bed, rockery or large trough.

UK - dispatched all year round.


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£5.00 each

Iris babadagica

A dwarf bearded Iris from the Caucasus, 15cm stems of blue-purple fls, white throat

UK - dispatched all year round.


No image available.

£5.00 each

Iris chamaeiris

An Iris from France and Italy with lance shaped foliage. 15 cms high stems of flowers in early June.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris chamaeiris

£5.00 each

Iris lutescens

A neat dwarf, bearded Iris, compact, dwarf species with relatively large purple, white or soft-yellow flowers up to 15cm tall, lovely Iris species that is hardy for rockery, raised bed or larger trough

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris lutescens

£5.00 each

Iris ruthenica nana

Very dwarf evergreen perennial with rich green spear shaped leaves held very much erect. Flowers are on short stems, each with one or two rich deep purple with a white flowers and lasting for several weeks. Easy in a moist but well drained soil in a trough.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris ruthenica nana

£5.00 each

Iris unguicularis ssp cretensis Mt. Ifris

Dwarf subspecies, beautiful blue flowers in late winter attractively marked with veining and yellow central ridge, best in a warm site

UK - dispatched all year round.

Iris unguicularis ssp cretensis Mt. Ifris

£7.00 each

Total Products: 25