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Generally Autumn flowering, best planted in a fertile, well-drained soil in good light.

Plant Name & Description Picture Price & Buy Now

Colchicum agrippinum

An excellent, free flowering species with star shaped medium sized flowers amethyst violet, heavily chequered with white on very short stems to 10cm in September and October. Flowers well for us in our alpine garden in full sun.

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum agrippinum

1 or more - £ 4.00 each
3 or more - £ 3.80 each
10 or more - £ 3.60 each

Colchicum autumnale

From each bulb several flowers are produced, very dainty soft mauve up to 10cm tall from August to September.

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum autumnale

1 or more - £ 3.50 each
3 or more - £ 3.30 each
10 or more - £ 3.20 each

Colchicum autumnale 'Album'

Clusters of small white flowers, occasionally with pinkish tinges to the tips of the petals. Very attractive and nearly always the first Colchicum to flower.

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum autumnale 'Album'

1 or more - £ 3.50 each
3 or more - £ 3.30 each
10 or more - £ 3.20 each

Colchicum autumnale 'Nancy Lindsay'

(syn. pannonicum) A truly beautiful plant with richly coloured, violet mauve flowers to 20cm in September to October. One of our favourite Colchicums, we have a large clump growing just outside the entrance to our kitchen door.

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum autumnale 'Nancy Lindsay'

1 or more - £ 3.50 each
3 or more - £ 3.30 each
10 or more - £ 3.20 each

Colchicum cilicium

Honey-scented, free-flowering species with bright petunia-purple flowers that are produces over a long period of time.

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum cilicium

1 or more - £ 3.50 each
3 or more - £ 3.30 each
10 or more - £ 3.20 each

Colchicum Glory of Heemstede

Lovely rich rose-purple with a small white base, lightly tessellated petals. Fragrant. 15cm.

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum Glory of Heemstede

1 or more - £ 4.50 each
3 or more - £ 4.20 each

Colchicum Harlekijn

We offer this new cultivar for the first time, a unique colour break with flowers that are half purple-pink and ivory-white towards the tips of the petals.

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum Harlekijn

1 or more - £ 6.00 each
3 or more - £ 5.80 each

Colchicum Lilac Wonder

A floriferous, popular selection with lilac-rose flowers, large bulbs.

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum Lilac Wonder

1 or more - £ 4.00 each
3 or more - £ 3.80 each

Colchicum Oktoberfest

A large strong hybrid, deep pink flowers of strong constitution, white throat, up to 20cm tall, flowering in October to November. Raised by Mr. Rollich in Germany

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum Oktoberfest

1 or more - £ 5.00 each
3 or more - £ 4.80 each

Colchicum speciosum

Lovely large amethyst-violet flowers with large white throat up to 15-20cm high in September to October. One of the showiest species which should be in every garden.

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum speciosum

1 or more - £ 3.50 each
3 or more - £ 3.30 each
10 or more - £ 3.20 each

Colchicum The Giant

Very showy & distinct, free-flowering, opens amethyst-violet with white throat, slightly taller than most at 25cm.

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum The Giant

1 or more - £ 3.50 each
3 or more - £ 3.30 each
10 or more - £ 3.20 each

Colchicum Waterlily

The largest double flowered Colchicum with spectacular and numerous narrow, amethyst-violet segments, very beautiful, 15-20cm. Always popular.

Dispatched September to October.

Colchicum Waterlily

1 or more - £ 4.00 each
3 or more - £ 3.80 each
10 or more - £ 3.60 each

Total Products: 12