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These are very easy bulbs & free flowering but we do not offer the invasive varieties. All require well drained soil, in full sun although they may also prove very effective in dappled shade or planted underneath deciduous trees that offer good light when the bulbs are in flower. Plant the bulbs 7cm deep.

Plant Name & Description Picture Price & Buy Now

Muscari armeniacum 'Siberian Tiger'

A new variety that was extremely popular this spring with short 10-15cm stems of pure white flowers, hardy.

Dispatched September to October.

Muscari armeniacum 'Siberian Tiger'

10 or more - £ 0.30 each
25 or more - £ 0.28 each
50 or more - £ 0.26 each

Muscari armeniacum 'Valerie Finnis'

A dwarf, compact hybrid with beautiful pure, powder blue flowers. A superb recent introduction flowering March and April.

Dispatched September to October.

Muscari armeniacum 'Valerie Finnis'

10 or more - £ 0.25 each
25 or more - £ 0.24 each
50 or more - £ 0.22 each

Muscari Baby's Breath AGM

Scented, pale baby-blue flowers in clusters of 12 to 15cm stems. Sunny well drained. New introduction to our catalogue worthy of the AGM it recieved.

Dispatched September to October.


No image available.

10 or more - £ 2.50 each
25 or more - £ 0.24 each
50 or more - £ 0.22 each

Muscari latifolium

Two colour toned, very dark blue flowers topped by bright blue ones on short stems to 7cm tall in March to April, a very distinct and appealing plant, hardy

Dispatched September to October.

Muscari latifolium

10 or more - £ 0.15 each
50 or more - £ 0.14 each
100 or more - £ 0.12 each

Muscari Pink Sunrise

New introduction, short stems to about 12cm, crowded spikes of many pale pink flowers becoming rose with age, hardy.

Dispatched September to October.

Muscari Pink Sunrise

3 or more - £ 1.00 each
10 or more - £ 0.85 each
25 or more - £ 0.84 each

Muscari Touch of Snow

Recent adddition to our catalogue. Dense flower spikes, mid-blue with white tips to the petal edges in spring. Flowers initially open from green buds and flower spike tips appear white before darkening to mid-blue.

Dispatched September to October.


No image available.

10 or more - £ 0.30 each
25 or more - £ 0.28 each
50 or more - £ 0.26 each

Total Products: 6