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We offer a choice selection of the alpine ‘Bellflower’ that require a well drained neutral to alkaline soil in full sun. Ideal for a rockery, raised bed or border, producing flowers from late June to mid August.

Plant Name & Description Picture Price & Buy Now

Campanula 'E. K. Toogood'

Large, showy violet-blue flowers, trailing habit.

UK - dispatched all year round.


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£4.00 each

Campanula carpatica 'Dwarf Form'

Compact tight cushion with relatively large saucer shaped blue flowers on 5cm stems, few only

UK - dispatched all year round.

Campanula carpatica 'Dwarf Form'

£4.00 each

Campanula chamissonis

Super compact Campanula which forms tight mats above which they produce masses of relatively large blue flowers on short stems in summer. A real classic. Few only.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Campanula chamissonis

£4.00 each

Campanula garganica 'Blue Diamond'

Few only. Copious amounts of blue star-shaped flowers, from compact mounds, easy garden plant.

UK - dispatched all year round.


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£4.00 each

Campanula garganica 'Dickson's Gold'

Compact ivy-leaf golden foliage & numerous pale blue starry flowers in June/July. Scree or trough, raised by Mr. S. Dickson of Ponteland

UK - dispatched all year round.

Campanula garganica 'Dickson's Gold'

£4.00 each

Campanula glomerata 'Caroline'

Spreading perennial with erect, leafy stems about 30cm tall from a mat of basal leaves. The upward-facing, bell-shaped flowers are pale purple flushed with darker shades, produced in dense clusters up to 12cm across in summer. Hardy, neutral to alkaline soil.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Campanula glomerata 'Caroline'

£5.00 each

Campanula muralis 'Major'

A vigorous, ground covering variety that will quickly make a carpet that is studded with lots of bright violet-blue star flowers from spring to mid summer. Easy to grow in most situations; this is the one that you see growing out of walls etc.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Campanula muralis 'Major'

£4.00 each

Campanula portenschlagiana 'Lieselotte'

Large pale lilac fls on short stems, compact mound, a good garden variety, very hardy.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Campanula portenschlagiana 'Lieselotte'

£4.00 each

Campanula portenschlagiana 'Resholdt's Variety'

Very floriferous low growing compact form covered with violet-blue flowers in summer.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Campanula portenschlagiana 'Resholdt's Variety'

£4.00 each

Campanula x pulloides 'G.F. Wilson'

Large open upturned violet-blue flowers, 15cm.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Campanula x pulloides 'G.F. Wilson'

£4.00 each

Total Products: 10