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Daffodils announce the arrival of spring & play an essential part in most garden plantings. We offer a mixture of the true dwarf & many of the smaller garden worthy hybrids. They are best planted in clumps or used for naturalising in grass etc; the dwarf varieties are most suited on a rockery, raised bed, border or in pots. Large daffodil bulbs should be planted at 15cm depth and the smaller ones at 7-10cm.

Plant Name & Description Picture Price & Buy Now

Narcissus assoanus

Very limited availability. A true miniature daffodil with solitary, fragrant rich yellow flowers, 10-15cm tall in March. Erect glaucous, short leaves. Ideal subject for a trough. One of those plants that despite its small stature bring great joy to your heart. Suitable for trough, raised bed or well drained rockery.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus assoanus

1 or more - £ 3.00 each
3 or more - £ 2.80 each
10 or more - £ 2.60 each

Narcissus asturiensis

We are delighted to offer this beautiful miniature with perfectly formed trumpet-shaped, deep golden coloured flowers in March, 12-15cm.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus asturiensis

1 or more - £ 3.50 each
3 or more - £ 3.30 each
10 or more - £ 3.20 each

Narcissus bulbocodium 'Arctic Bells'

A new introduction which produces many creamy-white flowers that turn white with age, 15cm tall, February to March. Full sun.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus bulbocodium 'Arctic Bells'

5 or more - £ 0.60 each
10 or more - £ 0.55 each
25 or more - £ 0.52 each

Narcissus bulbocodium 'Golden Bells'

The best & most floriferous Hoop Petticoat that reliably produces five or more bright golden-yellow flowers per bulb in mid to late April, 20cm, good for naturalising in rough grassland or in an open garden situation.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus bulbocodium 'Golden Bells'

10 or more - £ 0.40 each
25 or more - £ 0.38 each
50 or more - £ 0.36 each

Narcissus bulbocodium 'Oxford Gold'

A strong growing recently introduced Hoop Petticoat that reliably produces many sweetly scented, deep golden-yellow flowers on erect stems up to 25cm, hardy.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus bulbocodium 'Oxford Gold'

5 or more - £ 0.60 each
10 or more - £ 0.57 each
25 or more - £ 0.56 each

Narcissus bulbocodium 'Spoirot'

A good doer with pale yellow flowers on short stems in March, new introduction to our catalogue.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus bulbocodium 'Spoirot'

5 or more - £ 0.80 each
10 or more - £ 0.75 each
25 or more - £ 0.72 each

Narcissus bulbocodium 'White Petticoat'

A recent introduction to our catalogue. Tubular white flowers in April, on 10cm stems, pale yellow to the centre with exerted stamens.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus bulbocodium 'White Petticoat'

5 or more - £ 0.60 each
10 or more - £ 0.57 each
25 or more - £ 0.52 each

Narcissus cyclamineus 'Englander'

Named by my late father Bob Potterton, this was one of his favourites with graceful simple yellow flowers like an enlarged N. cyclamineus, up to 25cm in February or March. It has proven to be an excellent, robust garden hardy and garden worthy plant, long-lived.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus cyclamineus 'Englander'

1 or more - £ 3.00 each
3 or more - £ 2.80 each
10 or more - £ 2.70 each

Narcissus cyclamineus 'February Gold'

Strong, robust form ideal for withstanding winters weather with bold yellow flowers on 25cm stems in mid February, very hardy.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus cyclamineus 'February Gold'

5 or more - £ 0.60 each
10 or more - £ 0.57 each
50 or more - £ 0.54 each

Narcissus cyclamineus 'Jetfire'

Another favourite with beautiful & distinct large, reflexed golden-yellow flowers with a bright orange trumpet in March, 25cm.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus cyclamineus 'Jetfire'

5 or more - £ 0.50 each
10 or more - £ 0.47 each
50 or more - £ 0.44 each

Narcissus cyclamineus 'Mite'

A superb daffodil, very closely resembling the species N. cyclamineus but larger in all parts. Long stout trumpets golden yellow, no more than 20cm tall, fully hardy. Naturally small bulbs.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus cyclamineus 'Mite'

1 or more - £ 2.50 each
3 or more - £ 2.30 each
10 or more - £ 2.20 each

Narcissus cyclamineus 'Mother Duck'

Pale lemon swept back petals, darker at their edge, dark yellow frilled trumpets, 25-30cm tall.

Dispatched September to October.


No image available.

3 or more - £ 1.00 each
10 or more - £ 0.90 each
25 or more - £ 0.88 each

Narcissus cyclamineus 'Tete-a-Tete'

Probably the finest of all the cyclamineus hybrids, excellent for pot culture or garden where it is equally long lived. Lemon-yellow petals with neat orange trumpets.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus cyclamineus 'Tete-a-Tete'

5 or more - £ 0.50 each
10 or more - £ 0.47 each
50 or more - £ 0.44 each

Narcissus Elka

Long trumpets of pale lemon turning to cream as the flower ages, light yellow trumpet, 15-20cm tall.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus Elka

3 or more - £ 1.00 each
10 or more - £ 0.90 each
50 or more - £ 0.88 each

Narcissus fernandessii

Deep golden-yellow multi-heads of sweetly fragrant flowers on 15cm stems, mid March to April.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus fernandessii

1 or more - £ 3.00 each
3 or more - £ 2.80 each
10 or more - £ 2.60 each

Narcissus Gipsy Queen

Delightful and distinctive pale yellow flowering miniature daffodil, darker yellow at the base & tips of the tube, on 7 to 12cm stems in March. Hardy in a well drained soil, for a raised bed, large trough.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus Gipsy Queen

1 or more - £ 3.00 each
3 or more - £ 2.80 each
10 or more - £ 2.60 each

Narcissus jonquilla 'Little Emma'

Short trumpets and swept back petals of deep yellow flowers, on stems of about 15cm. A new introduction to our catalogue.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus jonquilla 'Little Emma'

5 or more - £ 0.80 each
10 or more - £ 0.77 each

Narcissus jonquilla 'Sun Disc'

Beautifully rounded straw-yellow flowers and tiny golden yellow cup, 15cm.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus jonquilla 'Sun Disc'

10 or more - £ 0.30 each
25 or more - £ 0.28 each
50 or more - £ 0.26 each

Narcissus jonquilla var henriquesii

Three to five deep rich yellow fls per 25cm stem, sweetly scented, March to April, hardy.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus jonquilla var henriquesii

5 or more - £ 0.70 each
10 or more - £ 0.66 each

Narcissus Little Sentry

A rarely offered miniature raised by Alec Gray, a much smaller version of the similar shaped flower ‘Sundisc’ with vivid yellow petals & a slightly darker cup, 15-20cm tall.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus Little Sentry

3 or more - £ 1.50 each
10 or more - £ 1.40 each
25 or more - £ 1.35 each

Narcissus More and More

This new hybrid produced their multi-headed dark yellow flowers from January to April this year, 10-20cm tall, outstanding.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus More and More

5 or more - £ 0.50 each
10 or more - £ 0.47 each
50 or more - £ 0.44 each

Narcissus Pencrebar

Unusual & distinct form with fully double large yellow flowers on relatively short 15cm stems in April. The full flowers look more like roses than daffodils.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus Pencrebar

5 or more - £ 0.50 each
10 or more - £ 0.47 each
50 or more - £ 0.44 each

Narcissus poeticus 'Recurvus'

White reflexed petals, pale yellow centes that have an orange edge, on stout stems to 30cm from May to early June. Well drained soil in full sun.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus poeticus 'Recurvus'

5 or more - £ 0.80 each
10 or more - £ 0.77 each
25 or more - £ 0.74 each

Narcissus pseudonarcissus obvallaris

The Tenby Daffodil. Perfectly formed golden-yellow trumpets in March. Long lasting, good for naturalising and deer proof.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus pseudonarcissus obvallaris

10 or more - £ 0.50 each
50 or more - £ 0.46 each
100 or more - £ 0.45 each

Narcissus romieuxii SF370

A neat plant with 10cm stems of typical mid yellow flowers from December to February. Pot culture in a cold frame or cold greenhouse. Originally collected in Morocco.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus romieuxii SF370

1 or more - £ 3.00 each
3 or more - £ 2.80 each
10 or more - £ 2.60 each

Narcissus Snipe

This is not ‘Jack Snipe’. Early flowering with swept back creamy-white petals, cylindrical shaped corona, starting creamy-yellow fading to white, rarely offered, about 15cm.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus Snipe

1 or more - £ 2.00 each
3 or more - £ 1.80 each
10 or more - £ 1.70 each

Narcissus Stocken

A natural wild hybrid with many two or three rich-golden yellow, fragrant flowers per stem, up to 15-20cm tall.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus Stocken

1 or more - £ 2.00 each
3 or more - £ 1.80 each
10 or more - £ 1.70 each

Narcissus Topolino

An excellent, sturdy dwarf bicoloured daffodil, creamy-white petals, pale lemon trumpet from March-April. Relatively short stems to 15cm which seems to make the flowers look even bigger and bolder.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus Topolino

10 or more - £ 0.40 each
25 or more - £ 0.38 each
50 or more - £ 0.36 each

Narcissus triandrus 'Angel's Breath'

Usually 3 to 5 flowers per stem of soft lemon-yellow coloured flowers, strong 15cm stems, April.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus triandrus 'Angel's Breath'

1 or more - £ 2.00 each
3 or more - £ 1.80 each
10 or more - £ 1.70 each

Narcissus triandrus 'Angel's Whisper'

Soft yellow cup and swept back petals a strong grower upto 12cm tall stems. April flowering.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus triandrus 'Angel's Whisper'

1 or more - £ 2.50 each
3 or more - £ 2.30 each
10 or more - £ 2.20 each

Narcissus triandrus 'Fairy Chimes'

Up to six golden-yellow flowers on a 15cm stem.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus triandrus 'Fairy Chimes'

1 or more - £ 2.50 each
3 or more - £ 2.30 each
10 or more - £ 2.20 each

Narcissus triandrus 'Woodstar'

A lovely rarely offered miniature triandrus hybrid, soft yellow reflexed petals and small creamy-yellow corona, up to 4 flowers per stem.

Dispatched September to October.

Narcissus triandrus 'Woodstar'

1 or more - £ 2.50 each
3 or more - £ 2.30 each
10 or more - £ 2.20 each

Total Products: 32