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We offer two types of Gentiana - the majority are spring flowering from April to May, native of our European Alps need a neutral to alkaline soil in good light. The second group are generally Autumn flowering and need a rich, well drained acid soil. For trough, raised bed or rockery.

Plant Name & Description Picture Price & Buy Now

Gentiana acaulis

Beautiful large blue trumpet-shaped flowers to 10cm. Dark green glossy foliage. The following acaulis are all named forms with variations in colour and size of flower.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Gentiana acaulis

£4.00 each

Gentiana acaulis 'BA Form'

This is an old form from our collection that is seldom propagated or offered, tight compact slow growing with short large blue flowers.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Gentiana acaulis 'BA Form'

£4.00 each

Gentiana acaulis 'Krumrey'

Beautiful large blue flowers, above a mat of dark green glossy foliage, 10cm.

UK - dispatched all year round.


No image available.

£4.00 each

Gentiana acaulis 'Rannoch'

Selection which originated from J.H.Stitt, in Scotland, deep azure blue, darker throat.

UK - dispatched all year round.


No image available.

£4.00 each

Gentiana acaulis 'Undulatifolia'

Distinct wavy-edged, large dark green glossy leaves. Typical large blue flowers.

UK - dispatched all year round.


No image available.

£4.00 each

Gentiana acaulis 'Velkokvensis'

Good deep blue funnel-shaped flowers with a slightly paler speckled throat.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Gentiana acaulis 'Velkokvensis'

£5.00 each

Gentiana angustifolia

Usually large generally blue flowers, occasionally white, these are seed raised plants, so flower colour could vary.

UK - dispatched all year round.


No image available.

£5.00 each

Gentiana dinarica 'Frocheneite'

A distinct form similar to the above but with large blue unspotted flowers in Spring.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Gentiana dinarica 'Frocheneite'

£4.00 each

Gentiana ligustica

Similar in appearance to Gentiana acaulis but more compact with very large, stunning bright azure-blue flowers beautifully marked and spotted inside, a native to the Maritime Alps.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Gentiana ligustica

£4.00 each

Gentiana occidentalis

An acaulis type with exceptionally large deep blue trumpet-shaped flowers.

UK - dispatched all year round.

Gentiana occidentalis

£4.00 each

Total Products: 10